Through tears i boarded the plane to Florida with my dear husband. Once we landed in the sunny state, i realized how much Ryan and i needed this time together. Sure we see each other everyday, but we needed time alone and time to relax. Two things we cannot do at home. Despite that i called my mom three times a day to check on james, i was happy that i went. It renewed mine and Ryan's love for one another...kind of like another honeymoon.
The hotel we stayed at was very tropical and beautiful! The hotel had its own little outdoor restaraunt that overlooked a giant pond that had an alligator (which we saw). It was a perfect location between shops and the beach. It took us a couple of days to realize it's okay to relax and enjoy ourselves - we know now that for our next vacation we need to stay a week or more.
Our trip was filled with walks on the beach, movie night, delicious dinners, putt putt, shopping, seashell exploring, getting some sun, and loving on each other! It was so nice. I felt so blessed!
I am a beach girl at heart! Every year since i was born the Rhyne family would vacation at Emerald Isle Beach every year. That made me miss my family and the memories we had made on all of those trips.
And there is just something about the ocean and its beauty.
The last night in Florida, we went to Lover's Key beach. It is known for it's spectacular sunsets...that was proven right. We witnessed one of the most gorgeous sunsets ever! You could literally see the sun slowly falling down behind the ocean. Ryan and i both were reminded of God's beauty and love for us. Sitting there, hearing only the waves crashing, i was taken aback on all that the Lord has gotten me through. I am married to the man i have loved all my life, and we have an awesome son. He has gotten us through some major rough patches throughout our marriage - that night we were able to sit and see them all and thank Him. We had such a peace and hope for our future that we were actually excited to get home. Not to go back to work, gosh no, but to keep that same mindset at home and with our children. Knowing God is always there...and that sometimes....all we have to do is look at a sunset to be reminded. His love is written in the skies and in our children's faces!