Today i am so thankful for the one who makes me smile, laugh, cry, and who knows how to push my buttons. Yes, my little doodlebug, James.
I never knew how much my love for this boy would grow with each passing day. Even though he tests my patience from time to time, it never fails that i end up with so much joy in my heart from just watching him throughout the day.
You are such a gift to me. A gift that i will cherish forever! I am so glad that God gave me you for a first born. Just from you being brought to this Earth, you have taught me so much about living a selfless and joyful life.
I admire you so much! How carefree, unless something happens to one of your trains, you are! How every little thing is so new and exciting. The things that you love with everything you have!
I love how you are completely all boy! Trains, Cars, Buses, Planes, Bikes, Blocks, Mud, and the Outdoors race through your mind all day. During warm weather, you wanted to be outside all the time...and i let you. Once cold weather hit, it was so hard and is so hard to keep you bottled up inside. The day that i cleaned off your little tricycle and brought it inside so you could ride around on the hard wood floor...i thought you were going to burst! Now, you have made you own little obstacle course using the dining room table and chairs, your sippy cups, and toys. You look like such a big boy when you whirl around the house on your bike.
Despite you being ALL boy, you are so sweet. Your hugs and kisses make me feel like i am worth so much!
I am so glad that you love learning new things. When we do our "school" time, you are always ready to learn and give me all of your attention. (i wish that i would be more motivated and teach you more) You are such a smart little kiddo. You know letters from A - X. You are able to say and point out each of them. I love it when you say M is for Mama and D is for Daddy!
One of my favorite things to do is still to rock you in the rocking chair....even though my pregnant belly is not allowing much space for you. haha. I want to hold onto you for as long as i can. You ask me to sing to you, every day, your favorite songs - Wheels on the Bus, Little Red Caboose, Jesus Love Me, God is So Good, He's Got the Whole World In His Hands, and of course our Good Night song.
Your precious little voice just grabs my heart every time! I love witnessing you finding out how to say new words. I was a little worried at first, because you wouldn't talk as much as other kids....but now i am so happy that you took your time with talking. I felt like i was and am able to just enjoy it much more. Now you are saying some sentences. So amazing!
There are so many things left to teach you...and such a short time to do so. I want you to learn to be thankful no matter what the circumstances. I want you to learn how to love others unconditionally. I want you to walk closely with the Lord, always. Sometimes i get so overwhelmed thinking about how i am to teach you these things as well as many other things. The best way, i realize now, is that your Dad and I have to teach you through example. I want my life as your mama to be a great example for you.
Know that your daddy and i will always always always love you! (i can never say that enough to you...i love you!) And always know that God's love for you is unconditional and it never wavers!
My precious little James...i am so thankful for you!
so sweet