The past week or so, i have been setting my alarm clock for 7am every morning. James usually wakes up between 730-800, but lately it's been a little before 730. I am trying to really start my day right - with God. Not only that, but to get myself ready for James. It is sometimes hard to drag yourself out of bed when you toddler is awake and automactically hop into Mom mode. So far it seems to be working for me...despite the fact that i hit the snooze button a couple of times. haha. Even if it's only 15 minutes, i feel so much more refreshed. It is also nice, because it is one of the only times that the house is quiet. I used to do my devotional time during James' nap time...which i probably will do some days. But i try to use his nap time to get things done whether it's exercising, blogging, crafting, or napping! haha. So i am praying that i will be able to stick with it. It's actually has made me more disciplined. Don't get me wrong i love my sleep! But i love the feeling that i have once i am finished with my devotional and wide awake for James when he gets up.
I haven't had any miraculous or life changing moments during my morning devotionals. Just me reading and praying. Even though i may not be able to see the affects of me making time with the Lord, i know for sure that later on it will have benefited me and my family greatly. I am a mother and a wife, it's about time i start taking action in the best way that i know how....going to the Lord. Cause my goodness, i need His strength! His joy is my strength! When i walk upstairs to James room and find that he has taken his diaper off, which is full of poopy, in his crib...i want to be able to laugh at the situation. Thankfully that has not happened in a long time, because we parents have gotten smart - we make him wear little toddler boxer briefs over his diapers. It's worked so far. "There are times in a mom's life when nerves give out and God's sense of humor steps in." Anyway, what was i saying? haha. And i know well now that James reflects whatever attitude i have that day. So why not start it off right?
"A mother's heart, like the heart of God, desires nothing more than for her children to live in freedom and joy, discerning truth, and choosing right." - Rebecca Jordan
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