First off, we had our gender ultrasound Thursday. I was not able to sleep the whole week leading up to that day. haha. It's true. That morning while sitting in the waiting room, i felt like my nerves were going to make me faint! I really did not care whether the baby was a girl or boy...i just wanted to make sure the baby was healthy and well. Finally my name was called. The nurse who did the ultrasound was the exact same nurse who did our ultrasound with James. Was kind of neat. We spent a good hour looking at the amazing ultrasound screen. Detail by detail the nurse went through every bone to every artery in the heart. Our baby was such an active one! Doing flips, rolls, anything the baby could do to get away from the ultrasound. haha. The precious little thing kept it's hands close to it's face. When it came time to find out what the baby was...the baby was moving so much that it was hard to tell at first. But there lied between those two little legs was the answer. haha. It popped right up! haha. Yes, we are having another precious boy! I cried throughout the whole ultrasound and on the way home. haha.
Ryan and i feel so blessed and priveledged to have another boy to raise and lead in the way of the Lord and love. It's such a blessing because we basically have everything we need! Except for the every day essentials like diapers, wipes and such. The only major things we'll be needing to get is a pump for me and possibly a double stroller. It's nice not feeling so rushed. yes, of course we would have loved to have a girl, but with having a boy we do not feel as rushed to find a bigger house...for now. :) james and our baby boy will be sharing a room for a while...which i think will be good for them both. It's funny, the night before we found out the sex, Ryan and i were lying in bed talking about how much James needs a brother....little did we know. haha.
I don't know why we are having another boy? Maybe it's God's way of saying "y'all aren't done yet." haha. Or we are called to raise godly, respectable, dependable men? (Lord help us!) Or maybe i am just destined to be outnumbered by men? Whatever the reason, we are so happy, excited, and feel completely and utterly blessed beyond belief!
Here are some ultrasound pics - i don't have a scanner so they came out a little blurry. boo.
Showing off his muscles. haha.
The precious profile. He has the same head shape as james, but the nose is a little different.
His 4D picture. He was hiding his face with his hand. I love that little hand!
Sucking his thumb. So amazing...all five fingers!
*I'll tell how we told our family about the gender in another post*
Since we know we are having a boy, we have come to an agreement on a name for him. We were having a toss up between Jonah and Adam. But i do believe we are going with Adam Mark Burkart. (mark is after my dad) Adam sounds like a strong, manly name...that's why we of course chose it. So, James and Adam. "JAMES! ADAM!" Yep that sounds good when i yell. haha.
Even though Adam has all the clothes he will need - i found some plain onesies of james. I decided to get a little crafty with them.
For Adam...James' old onesy.
For James. I'm going to do this on a white onesy for they can wear them together.
Whelp, i need to go make some vegetable soup for my sick little man. Hope he feels better soon! Have a thankful day!